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Largely tucked away from the view of the general public is an intense debate over the future role of health insurance brokers in the United States. Traditionally brokers have played an important role in the highly fragmented market for health insurance sold to small groups or individuals. How they will be affected by the health care overhaul remains unclear.
Brokers in general are middlemen between buyers and sellers of a good or a service. Because they are involved in many similar transactions, they can harvest economies of scale in the gathering and structuring of pertinent information. In the process, they become experts on the good or service being traded.
One would assume that brokers have played that role ever since humans abandoned one-on-one barter and engaged in wider trade. Because their economic contribution to trade is valuable, either buyers or sellers are willing to pay brokers a commission.
In modern economies, however, brokers are forever vulnerable to two developments, even in the absence of government regulations that may impinge on their economic turf.
One development is the standardization of the good or service being traded; the other is the power of electronic-information technology to gather and structure information at substantially lower cost.
The recently passed Affordable Care Act seeks to further both developments and adds a third: the regulatory requirement that insurers must limit the fraction of premiums spent on marketing and administration.
Ever since Paul Ellwood and Walter McClure developed and Alain Enthoven refined the concept of managed competition among private health insurers in the 1970s, policy analysts favoring a private health insurance system have dreamed of a standard benefit package on which competing private insurers would quote risk-adjusted premiums — making it easier for individuals, households and employers to make a cost-conscious choice among insurers.
The Affordable Care Act seeks to follow in that tradition.
First, it specifies a minimum, standard benefit package, albeit with varying degrees of cost-sharing by patients. Second, it calls for electronic, state-based health insurance exchanges designed to facilitate easy choice among insurers.
In principle, such exchanges could be designed in a user-friendly way that could provide small businesses and individuals with much of the structured information traditionally provided by brokers. The Swiss health system, for example, relies on that approach for its wholly private health insurance system, as does the Dutch system.
To get a feel for what is possible in the United States, browse the Web site of the Federal Employee Benefit Program operated by the Office of Personnel Management. Several private-sector electronic health insurance exchanges have also been operating for a decade or so — for example, eHealthInsurance.com.
If I were a broker, however, I would not despair at the prospect of the state-based insurance exchanges for one simple reason: administrative simplicity and efficiency is decidedly not America’s strong suit, in either the private or the public health sectors.
So it’s a pretty safe bet that the state-based exchanges envisaged in the Affordable Care Act will be so complicated and bewildering that the services of brokers will still be needed. In fact, the Affordable Care Act anticipates this by requiring that the exchanges award grants to “navigators,” tasked with educating the public about qualified plans, available subsidies, enrollment procedures and so on.
Noting the need for such navigators, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, passed on Aug. 17 a resolution, “To Protect the Ability of Licensed Insurance Professionals to Continue to Serve the Public.” It recommends that insurance brokers serve as the navigators and “be adequately compensated for the services they provide.”
In July, two dozen members of the House of Representatives asked regulators to ensure a role for licensed insurance agents in the Web portal that will be used to aid consumers in comparing coverage options.
Evidently, then, health insurance brokers have many politically powerful friends on their side.
Another complex issue that I raised last week is the medical-loss ratio. The Affordable Care Act requires health insurers to spend at least 85 percent of premium revenue on “clinical services provided to enrollees and activities that improve health care quality” for coverage offered in the large-group market and at least 80 percent for coverage in the small-group and individual markets. This percentage is known as the medical-loss ratio.
Ideally such a regulatory stricture, if imposed at all, should have been phased in gradually, say over four to five years, as is usually done with major changes of this sort. In this case, however, the law calls for the rules to take full effect by Jan. 1.
Because it simply would not make sense to consider commissions paid by insurance plans to brokers an outlay designed “to improve health care quality,” the National Association of Insurance Commissioners treats commissions as a marketing and administrative expense that reduces profits. Brokers fear insurers will put the squeeze on commissions in order to maximize profits within the allowed ratio.
One advocate for the brokers, Alan Katz, a past president of both the National and the California Associations of Health Underwriters, has argued that the commissions should be left out of the ratio calculations altogether:
“Commissions are paid by consumers (whether individuals or employers). Today carriers collect these funds and pass 100 percent of them along to an independent third-party – producers. Health-insurance companies don’t benefit from these dollars. They are providing an administrative convenience to their members and to their distribution partners – a convenience that reduces overall cost in the system.”
So who actually is these brokers’ principal? In principal-agent economic theory, at least, the principal should compensate the agent directly, to make sure that the agent always acts in the principal’s interests.
“Insurance broker” is sometimes treated as a synonym for “insurance agent” or even “producer,” although that is sloppy usage. Dictionaries describe an insurance broker as the agent of the insured and an insurance agent as someone who represents an insurance company.
From conversations with advocates of insurance brokers, I have learned that most brokers consider the insured as their principal, even though their commission is typically paid by the insurer.
This raises the question of why the insured do not directly pay their health-insurance brokers, just as they pay accountants for help with their tax returns or lawyers who help them in legal matters.
If insurance companies, which seem to think of brokers as “producers,” pay different rates of commissions and explicitly reward with bonuses brokers who provide high volume, does that not set up at least the appearance of a conflict of interest that the brokers may wish to avoid?
If the insured paid their brokers (or the “navigators”) directly, the problem of how to treat those commissions in the ratio calculation would go away. The commissions to be included in the ratio would then be just those of bona fide agents of the insurance companies.

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