If you die or become critically ill, knowing that your friends and family are well protected is priceless. But good life insurance cover that isn't too expensive can be hard to find.
With Life Insurance and Critical Illness cover provided by LV= through InsureandGo, you can rest easy knowing that you're covered for a price that is competitive and affordable. Life Insurance and Critical Illness cover offers peace of mind, enabling you to enjoy life without having to worry about how your nearest and dearest will survive after you die or become critically ill.
Benefits of Life and Critical Illness Cover through InsureandGo
No minimum amount of cover
Choice of level or decreasing cover
Get covered from as little as £5 a month
Quick and easy to buy online
Fixed premium
Pays out if you die or are diagnosed with a critical illness during the policy term
Important things you should know
If you stop paying your premiums you may not be covered, and if you cancel your policy, you won't get back any premiums paid.
If you die, normally the lump sum paid out, will be paid to your estate. Inheritance tax could apply to the part of your estate that's worth over £325,000 (tax year 2010/2011).
If you choose level cover, the amount of cover is fixed when your policy starts. It won't keep up with inflation, and will buy less in the future.
You're only covered for the critical illnesses detailed in the policy conditions, and no others.
If you're claiming for a critical illness your claim will only be paid if you live for at least 14 days after being diagnosed.
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